Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Prepare my steed, I ride to Chula!

Rama V belt buckle, reveal yourself to me.

So it all starts on Monday, and not a moment too soon. Just need the ol' (strictly compulsory) Rama V belt buckle and we're whisky a go go.

In regards to the following topics:

  • Wat Pariwat's golden David Beckham altar.
  • The Lopburi medium who smokes three cigarettes at a time, has magical daubing paste, a hat the disturbs the navigation equipment of small aircraft and the ability to channel King Taksin the Great (1768-1782) for marital, financial and traffic advice.
  • An extensive photo survey of Bangkok electrical wiring and why it we need to find shelter immediately.
  • Yaa dom and you: will constantly sticking an inhaler up your nasal passage really cure every illness imaginable and then some?
  • Obligatory blue pipe article.
  • The 'Do not smite fish balls on sticks' lecture.
  • Is Thai radio unable to locate the 'turn off reverb' button or is total reverb just too damn awesome?
  • Why gambling and prostitution is illegal.
  • 'Doing Well Security' and their wilful inability to do so.
  • The Sniff Kiss is the Thai Eskimo kiss. 
  • Thailand's greatest TLA (three letter acronym): TSD - 'Thai Style Democracy'.
  • The topless guy with a gun high on ya ba down the road the other night.
  • The fact that the guy had a full scale cabalistic khmer-yantra diagram tattoo that covered his entire back and could stop bullets.
  • The fact that the guy was reportedly shot - quite effectively by all accounts - my a non-magical, police issue bullet.
  • The reasons I am not getting a full scale cabalistic khmer-yantra diagram tattoo that covers my entire back and can stop bullets.

These will all be dealt with in due course. So join me as we pretend to avoid all public political demonstrations vow to never eat fried cobra again.


  1. Be damned if you're "fixing" BKK's awesome electrical grid. Hands off, non-union scab.

  2. You've got me wrong, my anonymous friend!

    I don't want to fix them! They're an aesthetic triumph of the highest order! They look like my friend Greg's eyebrows. Tangled and dignified. And just like Greg, I'm never sure how it works so well but it just does.

    A power box exploded I was walking under the other day. Scared the shit outta me. In Siam, so everyone thought it was a bomb.

    As for the scab accusation, one phone call to the Patrick Corp and the dogs and balaclavas are a go go!

  3. They're an overhead variation of the favoured childrens past time 'cat's cradle', designed to mock Nikola Tesla.

    Fuck off, I'm not old, kids still love that game.


  4. A feisty fucker! A bit of abuse and chutzpah is what we need around here. Was thinking about death by cop a minute back, but now I want to de-landmine the entire North coast of Africa.

    A zest in in the air.

  5. December is coming. Avis Days of Thunder.

    Be well. Be well.
