Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Cigarettes are expensive. The GFC hurt everyone. Even the pocket money of children. Solution? Forget hiding behind the bike sheds for a quick ciggie. We need to get together and stay together, reform the family unit, share quality time and blow airbrushed smoke in the face of a baby. 

I saw this clown at a book sale. Like him on Facebook, apparently.

This is an expensive, damp time machine that took me back to the 1947 coup and then to the 2006 coup. The only difference was at the latter I got better mobile phone reception and the cameras used to take happy snaps of smiling families in front of the coup plotter's tanks were of a much better quality.  

This? This is explained in the next photo.


A future Dalai Lama bought a shit suit on Sukhumvit. So be it. 

The guy in the red was a policeman. Some people in this esteemed city of sanuk, of both serious and casual violence do not like the actions of some of the police fraternity. I heard a good one once: "Bangkok is the only city in the world where the only people with guns you have to fear are the police". Who knows how much truth lies in that statement? 

We barracked for Mr Blue. 

As my friend quite simply put it, this is "post modernism visually defined." Laugh or cry, make your choice.

These toy helicopters - 900 Baht each, a bargain -were bought for the Baby Buddha above the bar, so he can play with them and - hopefully via the merit of such an auspicious gift - possibly take time out of his busy Bodhisattva schedule to fly out in one of the choppers, collect customers and bring them back to the bar.

 If you are looking for a joke in the previous sentence, there is not one to be found.

Rambo sleeps beneath the celestial realm.

Mr Red got taken down to Chinatown. Cheers, Mr Blue.

This shot was taken in the most expensive, hippest shopping plaza in Bangkok. Apparently, the latest fashion is to dress like Dr Who. Who am I to judge? I thought Hypercolour T-shirts might come back. 

They're like Skittles.

Aw, jeez. It can't all be top shelf material. Have a nice cardiovascular system. I hear Dubbo is lovely this time of year.

1 comment:

  1. get us a blue one for junior, would ya? white's a bit girly.
